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Case Studies

Kieran’s story: “They helped me get into college”

Keiran shows that with determination and the right support, everyone can achieve their goals and make a fresh start.

Keiran has a difficult relationship with his father due to his father’s alcohol misuse, and lives with foster parents for part of the week. He has dyslexia, and struggled to read and write, but despite these challenges wanted to pursue his love of the outdoors and construction.

Works+ enrolled Keiran on the Adult Achievement Award, knowing it would be a valuable opportunity for him, giving him something current on his CV and the ability to learn new skills that fit with his interest in the outdoors and construction.

Keiran was responsible for the planning and building of a new stretch of path at Bowhill Estate, where he made a huge contribution to group activities and showed a great deal of initiative. The team at Bowhill were supportive of Keiran, which encouraged him to work harder and instilled in him a huge sense of achievement.

Certain about his desire to continue working outdoors, and with the practical experience from Bowhill under his belt, Keiran re-applied for college to do a Landscaping course. In less than a week, Keiran had his interview and was accepted onto the course. Talking about the experience, he said: “They helped me get into college. I’m actually really proud about it, ‘cos I never thought it would happen.”

Keiran made a short film about his experience with Works+, saying he felt “great pride” at his achievements. Currently, Keiran plans to continue college, with the aspiration of one day setting up his own business.

Participation and involvement: listening to those with direct experience

Participation and involvement: listening to those with direct experience

We believe that change is best informed and driven by the people who have direct experience. Over the year Inspiring Scotland has been supporting best practice in the development of services and programmes that are directed by individuals and where people have a respected and equal voice in decisions that affect them.  This can include

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Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer Network

Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer Network

For a charitable organisation, having access to a broad range of professional skills can be challenging when resources are already stretched. Whether seeking IT or marketing expertise, financial or legal advice, a trusteeship or practical help, Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer Network (SVN)  can step in.  The Specialist Volunteer Network (SVN) is one of Inspiring Scotland’s

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Dean’s story: “My life has changed quite a bit and it’s pretty good.”

Dean’s story: “My life has changed quite a bit and it’s pretty good.”

  “I was homeless at 16. It was tough. I was alone and living on the streets.” Dean left home and moved to Oban to escape the emotional and physical abuse he had suffered at the hands of his family since childhood. He soon became homeless and was unable to complete his school exams. In

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